Hello, Fediverse!

The Webportal of the Atheist Religious Society in Austria is now part of the Fediverse as independent instance. We are looking forward to new possibilities of interaction and hopefully many new contacts with you, the great people on Mastodon, Friendica, etc.!

Unofficial Fediverse-Logo
Unofficial Fediverse-Logo

Today, public communication has become almost unimaginable without the so-called “Social Media” and its communication paths. However, commercial social media platforms have faced criticism in the last years due to dubious practices and toxic mechanisms. In this context, the so-called “Fediverse” can be seen as one of the most exciting developments out of the world wide web in the last couple of years, which has a huge potential for positive change.

The versatile services and thousands of instances, which jointly make up the Fediverse, offer a promising alternative to the established commercial platforms like Facebook and X (former Twitter). From our perspective as Atheist Religious Society in Austria, using social media and its communication paths in a more open and noncommercial Network fits very well to our values and worldview.

Of course also the Fediverse is far from perfection and will face various technical and social challenges in the future. We will observe and accompany the further evolution of the Fediverse with joy and a healthy portion of scepticism and are happy of being part of it.

Great thanks to the developers of the ActivityPub-Plugin for WordPress, who did a great job that out entry to the Fediverse worked so quick and smoothly. Below this article and also on the sidebar you find the link to follow our Fediverse-Profile.

This post is also available in: Deutsch (German)

About Martin Marot-Perz

Als Techniker vom Studium und Beruf her kümmert sich Martin Perz um den Online-Auftritt der Atheistischen Religionsgesellschaft. Als Webmaster ist er gewissermaßen der Hüter der (digitalen) Schlüssel dieser (virtuellen) Hallen hier. Gerne schreibt er aber auch als unabhängiger Denker zu weltanschaulichen Themen, Religion und Philosophie.

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