1. Is there a contradiction between atheism and religion?
- No inherent contradiction: Atheism means “no theism” and stands in opposition to theism, not to religion. Religion can also be non-theistic (e.g., Buddhism).
- Cultural phenomenon: Religion is viewed as a cultural phenomenon with positive potential.
- Social phenomenon: The ARG participates in the social negotiation of what is perceived and accepted as religion in Austria today.
- Legal definition: The European Union Directive 2011/95/EU states that “the concept of religion includes theistic, non-theistic, and atheistic beliefs.”
2. Do you claim that atheism is automatically a religion?
- No: Atheism is not automatically a religion. According to the human right of religious freedom, no one, including atheists, can be forced to belong to a religion. However, as the ARG, we claim the right to establish an atheistic religion. The ARG sees itself as an atheistic religious denominational community (atheistische religiöse Bekenntnisgemeinschaft).
3. Do you claim to represent all atheists in Austria?
- No: The ARG can only speak for itself and represents only its members.
4. Why is official registration as a religious community important?
- Registration is the best path to full equality with other religious communities and the first step toward future legal recognition as a religious society. We see no good reason why religious atheists should be excluded from the status of a state-registered religious denominational community and aim for full equal treatment and rights. Anything else would seem like unjustified discrimination.
5. If you are accepted as a religious community, would all atheists in Austria be recognized as members?
- No: Recognition would only change the status of the ARG, not that of all atheists in Austria.
6. Do I have to leave my recognized religious community to become a member?
- Yes: Joining the ARG is only possible if you do not belong to any other recognized religious community.
7. Can I become a member if I am under 14 years old?
No: Membership is only possible from the age of 14.
8. Do I have to resign if I no longer live in Austria?
No: Resignation is not required, but notification of a change of residence is appreciated.
9. Should I inform you of my new address if I move within Austria?
Yes: This is helpful for the ARG.
10. Do you treat my membership confidentially?
Yes: Memberships are, of course, treated confidentially.
11. How can I support you?
- Ways to support:
- Membership
- Referrals to the ARG
- Active involvement
- Donations
12. What is the story behind the older, still existing ARG website?
- Older domain: The ARG no longer uses the older domain and has no control over its content.
Updated on 22 September 2024.
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